Mainstek GK2 keyboard

Protect yourself from scammers with tips from our preferred partner GDATA

 Close Security Gaps - ensure updates for your operating system and apps are current and always up to date. (PC, smartphone and tablet users)

 Use secure passwords, which should be a numbers, characters with both upper and lower case.

 Delete email with integrated links or file attachments. Links to online banks, shops etc should be typed into browser manually

 Keep personal information to a minimum on social networks, do not make your email address, telephone number or other information like this public

 Examine online shops and take note of their reputation, and that they are a registered business, usually visible in the website footer.

 Fake E-greeting cards - criminals are seeing these popular greetings as a way of attaching malicious files

 Pay securely over the internet - to ensure that data is encrypted pay attention to the padlock in the status bar or the address 'https' abbreviation

 Install a powerful security solution to help protect your data

 PCS partner and supply GDATA products - if you require any information give us a call on 0161 624 4065